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How do I create a customer or vendor list for import?

You can import customer info / vendor info into inFlow Cloud using a .csv file. The only required field is “Name” , but there are other fields that you can input as well, like address, currency, contact.

Please note inFlow does not have “first name/ last name”, only a single field, and that the Name field is unique. inFlow cannot create duplicate records with the same name.

If you’re looking for a quick way to create a template for your customer (or vendor) data we’ve got a great trick! First add at least one new customer (or vendor) to your system and then you’ll export from the system. Go to Main Menu > General > Export Data and select the “Customer” (or “Vendor”) option. This will give you a .csv file with all the columns inFlow can track. You can use this file as a starting point to fill in your details and add your customers (or vendors) into inFlow.

You can also use the sample customer and vendor import list we’ve exported for you and make your changes there.

To import your new .csv file, go to Main Menu > General > Import Data > Customer or Vendor and map your columns. Click Next and you’re done!

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