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How to create a product details CSV to import to inFlow Cloud

A product details import can create new product records in inFlow Cloud from a list that you already have. See below for how you can import that list to inFlow.



Take a look at this video on how you can import your product details to inFlow Cloud for Web.

Creating products with Imports | Importing Data to inFlow

Creating the CSV

In order to use your file for import, you’ll need to be sure it’s in the right format. Here’s an example of a Product Details (doesn’t include stock levels) file for import:

This is very small example. You can add more columns to import more information.

What happens if I already have the same products in inFlow?

Not to worry, there won’t be any duplicates! inFlow looks at the Product Name field (in the file) to determine whether the same item exists in the program. If it doesn’t exist, then inFlow will create them as new items. If it does exist, then inFlow will update the details in the program to match the details in the file.

For example, if there’s already a product named 10201 with a unit price of $10 in the program, then following the example in the image above, the import will update item 10201 to use a unit price of $12.99.

NOTE: You can change your product names using an import.

A few things to remember:

  • The Product Name is a required field in inFlow and must be unique.
  • Product Type is a permanent choice in inFlow and cannot be changed. If not specified on the import file, it will automatically be set as a Stocked product.
  • When entering pricing, make sure you use the separator that matches the regional settings on your computer. For example, some areas use commas, and others use decimals.
  • Any information going into one field must all be in the same column, as inFlow can’t import into one area from two columns.

Importing serialized products:

For importing products with serials, you’ll need a couple of extra columns in the Product Details import file, which are specific to serialized products only: TrackSerials (TRUE for serialized, False for non-serialized), SerialPrefix, SerialNextNumber, and SerialSuffix columns.

In the following example, inFlow will create a product record named “BEL-LED-2350-HD”, and “BEL0007LED” would be the following serial number generated in inFlow if you were to add more stock to this product.

Saving as a CSV file

In order to import data which may contain special characters, save as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)

Once you have your list open in Excel, make sure it’s saved as a CSV. To do so:

  1. Choose Save As from the drop-down menu.
  2. At the bottom of this window, you’ll see a field Save as Type. Choose CSV (comma delimited) from the drop-down.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Excel will warn you about the loss of formatting, this is not a problem, please click Yes to complete your save.

Ready to import? See how to import data from your file into inFlow, or check out this sample product import file.



Take a look at this video on how you can import your product details to inFlow Cloud for Windows.

How to import products using inFlow Cloud for Windows

Creating the CSV

In order to use your file for import, you’ll need to be sure it’s in the right format. Here’s an example of a Product Details (doesn’t include stock levels) file for import:

This is very small example. You can add more columns to import more information.

What happens if I already have the same products in inFlow?

Not to worry, there won’t be any duplicates! inFlow looks at the Product Name field (in the file) to determine whether the same item exists in the program. If it doesn’t exist, then inFlow will create them as new items. If it does exist, then inFlow will update the details in the program to match the details in the file.

For example, if there’s already a product named 10201 with a unit price of $10 in the program, then following the example in the image above, the import will update item 10201 to use a unit price of $5.99.

NOTE: You can change your product names using an import.

A few things to remember:

  • The Product Name is a required field in inFlow and must be unique.
  • Product Type is a permanent choice in inFlow and cannot be changed. If not specified on the import file, it will automatically be set as a Stocked product.
  • When entering pricing, make sure you use the separator that matches the regional settings on your computer. For example, some areas use commas, and others use decimals.
  • Any information going into one field must all be in the same column, as inFlow can’t import into one area from two columns.

Importing serialized products

For importing products with serials, you’ll need a couple of extra columns in the Product Details import file, which is specific to serialized products only: TrackSerials (TRUE for serialized, FALSE for non-serialized), SerialPrefix, SerialNextNumber, and SerialSuffix columns.

In the following example, inFlow will create a product record named “BEL-LED-2350-HD”, and “BEL0007LED” would be the following serial number generated in inFlow if you were to add more stock to this product.

Saving as a CSV file

In order to import data which may contain special characters, save as CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited)

Once you have your list open in Excel, make sure it’s saved as a CSV. To do so:

  1. Choose Save As from the drop-down menu.
  2. At the bottom of this window, you’ll see a field Save as Type. Choose CSV (comma delimited) from the drop-down.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Excel will warn you about the loss of formatting, this is not a problem, please click Yes to complete your save.

Ready to import? See how to import data from your file into inFlow, or check out this sample product import file.

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